Why Summer is Making You Have More Acne

Why Summer is Making You Have More Acne

While it is true that having oily skin can mean you are more likely to experience acne, there are other factors, such as the summer heat and humidiy, which can also cause acne to appear more frequently.
In this blog we will cover the causes of irritated acne skin in the summer and how the possible remedies for it.

How Our Pores Should Be: Natural, Healthy

  • Normal sized pores
  • Regular oil production
  • Calm temperature of 31°C

A clear, calm pore at the end of winter.

It Starts With Wider Pores

Due to the warmer weather, our skin’s pores open up wider to release more sweat and cool down our bodies. This is a natural reaction and also imporant to our health.
However, this makes it easier for external agressors such aspollution and bacteria to enter your pores and cause inflammation.

Wider pores enable bacteria and pollution to enter pores.

Oils Make It An Even Sticker Situation

The summer heat causes pores to sweat more to cool down the body. In addition to this, sebaceous glands in our skin release more sebum to protect your skin.
This extra oil makes it really easy for bacteria, pollution, and dead skin cells to clump up in your pores - leading to inflammation and acne.

Oils cause dead skin cells and pollution to stick together and block pores.

Humidity Helps Bacteria Multiply

In your pores, bacteria have the perfect environment to grow. Dead skin cells serve as food, while the humidity and heat allow them to multiply.
This can lead to more inflammation and cause breakouts if they are not cleared out using effective ingredients such as: centella asiatica, tea tree, or salicylic acid.
Once in pores, bacteria can grow quickly.

A Damaged Skin Barrier

All this inflammation within your pores can spread and weaken your epidermis, the outer most layer of your skin.

With a damaged epidermis, your skin becomes more sensitive to further infection and strong ingredients.

A Broken Defense

If the inflammation is not treated, the continuous damage will reduce the skin’s ability to defend itself from toxins and heal inflammation.

In short, skin can become even more acne prone.

Treating Acne

Sometimes we can prevent acne and a damaged skin barrier by consistently caring for our skin using effective ingredients and products that work well with our own unique skin. Using an effective yet gentle cleanser along with a skin-balancing toner and a calming and hydrating moisturizer is the basis of an essential routine for healthy skin (plus sunscreen in the morning, of course!). On top of that, adding a nourishing treatment product such as a skin barrier strengthening ampoule or a soothing face mask is greatly beneficial in improving our skins' resistnace to external aggressors.


However, there are also times where acne is inevitable due to the natural state of our skin and its' reaction to our climate. In these cases, it is beneficial to have an acne treatment available which not only treats the acne itself but also hydrates and nourishes the skin overall, without harshly drying out the skin (which can lead to even more of a damaged skin barrier)


The skin’s main role is to be the first line of defence for the body from the pollution and harmful things in our environment. When this barrier is broken or compramized it can lead to various skin issues.
While acne may seem like merely a surface issue, prolonged inflammation can create a long-lasting effect to skin’s ability to protect the body. It is important that we do our best to protect our skin, which in turn helps to protect us.

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